just a few of my pieces available Please contact me or visit my facebook page for most of my work www.facebook.com/maryanneseden
“Double Chocolate”
“Taking turns”
“Shine the Light”
“Ides of March”
“Snoball Inspirations”
“Seaside Escape”
“A Long way Around”
“In at the Deep End”
“Autumn Fun”
“She who Calves Alone”
“FAr Reaching ”
“Less Travelled”
“Tipping the Scales”
“Feeling Margaret”
“Save The Day”
“Crags and Crannies”
“Hands of Time ”
“Keeper of the Marsh”
“Between the Quacks”
“Blue Notes”
“Keeping the Spirit”
“Billows To Bottoms”
“Visionary Notes”
“Fall Stacks”
“Aster Daze”
“Heart of the Valley”