“Energy of Art” exhibition will showcase the finest works of 18 artists across Indonesia in Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta (Function Hall, 2nd floor) on 11-19 August 2018 These participants comes from different genre and generation like Djoko Pekik (1938), Heri Dono (1960), Putu Sutawijaya (1970), Erica (1971), Indra Dodi (1980), Umbu Tanggela (1956) and his son Rato Tanggela (1990)
Terza edizione di Nowart, mostra d'arte internazionale presieduta dal Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi divisa in due tappe: 6/12-6/01/2019 Nowart Luxury Salerno 4/5-24/5/2019 Werkkunst Gallery Hamburg
“Energy of Art” exhibition will showcase the finest works of 18 artists across Indonesia in Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta (Function Hall, 2nd floor) on 11-19 August 2018 These participants comes from different genre and generation like Djoko Pekik (1938), Heri Dono (1960), Putu Sutawijaya (1970), Erica (1971), Indra Dodi (1980), Umbu Tanggela (1956) and his son Rato Tanggela (1990)
vamos juntos encentivar a nossa arte brasileira