

posted by Shara Hannah Shadowspeaker

One of the projects I am currently in the midst of involves a growing colony of crocheted yarn sacs, or pods, which I then stuff to the brim with my dried up used tea bags. It's been a pleasure to return to the act of crocheting; the tug of the yarn, the meditative repetition of hooking each loop. I must confess as well a connection I've drawn between building these cocoons and the little baby growing inside the safety of my womb. I imagine the installation of these pods to be hanging from a variety of surfaces; the ceiling, walls, corners, clusters on the floor. We'll see...

Yarn and tea bags



posted by Giovanni Bernardi

Disegni di vasi Micenei, Etruschi e Greci con tecniche grafiche miste. Lucia Leone - Il tratto deciso e nello stesso tempo delicato donano alle grafiche dell'artista Giovanni Bernardi un aspetto reale tanto che, un occhio disattento,potrebbe confonderle con riproduzioni fotografiche.Da un'attenta osservazione traspare la meticolosità e lo studio approfondito dell'artista.Pertanto definire queste grafiche delle "semplici riproduzioni di vasellame antico",sarebbe riduttivo poichè l'utilizzo di tecniche nuove e di invenzione dell'artista rende queste opere uniche.Tali grafiche sono frutto di un'idea nuova nata per caso,come conviene ad un vero artista di grande spessore quale è il maestro Giovanni Bernardi.

Viaggio nel mondo antico A.C



posted by Kienzl, Ernest A.

Ausstellung »Mehrfeldzeichen« »Alten Schmiede« in Schönberg am Kamp 28.4. bis 17.6.2012 Ernest A. Kienzl hat aus Quadraten und durch Diagonalen, bzw. Bogen, geteilten Quadraten, ein, einem Alphabet ähnliches Zeichensystem entwickelt, das durch unterschiedlichste Codes mit verschiedenen Bedeutungen belegt werden kann. Er kombiniert diese Zeichen zu Tableaus von jeweils 3x3, 4x4 oder 5x5 Feldern zu sogenannten Mehrfeldzeichen. Da er sich dabei bestimmten Regeln unterwirft, entstehen oft auch figural deutbare Zeichen. Durch weitere Kombination der Mehrfeldzeichen kreiert er Würfel oder andere körperhafte Zeichen. Bei seiner Arbeit verwendet er im Allgemeinen unterschiedlichste, oft auch ungewöhnliche Materialkombinationen, die den Arbeiten eine eigene Aura verleihen. Infos: www.alteschmiede.schoenberg.gv.at www.kienzl.net




posted by Varda Breger

varda breger  www.vbreger.com



posted by Avalishvili Yuri

Yuri Avalishvili creates to compositions, whose eclecticism possesses acting with pretty constancy by reactive power. The Spectator as if falls into sphere of the action "sniffled", and his(its) carries away layered, saturated relationship author's world. The Conciseness striving to breakup of artistic power forces to be going to and concentrate the spectator, anticipating sudden birth new artistic sense. Occurring on linen Avalishvili really continues to occur, and that glance of the spectator remains the stopped beside, - more significant, but too fraud. The Glance on-persisting much it is difficult to restrain the scene. It possesses hidden reactive power and raises the thought sharp surge burning assotiative mass.

Avalishvili Yuri