

posted by Florence Shen.com

This piece of work is mainly work from my mind and imagination. I love to experiment all types of way and medium and let the interested party to imagine their own explanation by looking at and think what it is.This was painted on rice paper and the medium were Chinese ink, and acrylic. Why I named the title PURITY , because the lotus as I had imagined emerged from the mud yet it was pure and clean.It also represent a person with bad company is not affected. Sorry I am not good at explanation hope my poor English is understandable.




posted by Lyn Crutchley

I am fascinated by the energy of city and its glorious buildings: those filled with a deep sense of story and history, those built in a more modern style reflecting the work of our creative architects and lastly by the process of building under construction. Seeing a building under construction is like seeing a child grow up - secure framework is visible at first and then gradually the building is enveloped by structure and one must make a conscious effort to delve into the qualities inside. My medium of choice is predominantly textiles with paint and stitching added. I hold a Diploma in Stitchef Textiles from City & Guilds in London - a 7 year course of intense study of all things to do with textiles, hand and machine embroidery, dyeing of fabric as well as academic studies of embroidery around the world!




posted by ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation

As part of the important conversations swirling around this election year, ARC is looking for work that critically explores and dissects the current election season and the wider impact government has on our lives. In a democracy, everyone's voice matters. So if you apply, you are automatically included in this exhibition. Please view the prospectus for size and other restrictions. Exhibition: July 20, 2016 – August 13, 2016 Submission deadline: July 2, 2016. Delivery or shipment: July 13, 2016 – July 16, 2016, gallery hours 12pm-6pm Eligibility is international. No projections or media installations will be accepted for this show. $25 for each image/No limit on images. Prospectus: https://arcgallery.wufoo.com/forms/z18vsnqu12bu0ao/ Gallery website: http://www.arcgallery.org/

Call for Entries:  We the People...



posted by Shreeja

Acrylic on canvas, 'Meera' representing pure love and soul connection to Lord Krishna.




posted by Visio Dell'Arte

Visio Dell’Arte is pleased to present Jeff Bortniker’s second solo exhibition at our New York gallery. The exhibition includes an exclusive collection of his latest works featuring abstract paintings created by applying acrylic and enamel molding paste to canvas. The one-of-a-kind masterpieces are reflective of his signature layers and rich in emotive gestural marks, creating a unique phenomenological experience.

Jeff Bortniker - Solo Exhibition